What Is VAT?

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What is VAT (Value-Added Tax) in Ireland

VAT refers to a tax on consumer spending most likely including every stage of the business process in Ireland. It is an essential element of the tax system in Ireland and accounts for a significant proportion of government revenue. The tax is payable at each stage of production and distribution, thus becoming a multi-stage sales tax that is collected by businesses on behalf of the Government. The scale of the money makes it an integral part of Ireland's tax system and a major source of government revenues. It is also a multi-stage tax that is collected by businesses at each stage in the production and distribution chain on behalf of the government.
How VAT Works in Ireland
VAT is one of the most commonly applied taxes in Ireland, treated on goods and services. listener When you are VAT registered, your business charges this tax on its sales (output tax) and can claim back the VAT paid on most of what it purchases (input tax). The difference between that output tax and input tax is then paid to Revenue, the Irish Tax Authority. For instance, if a third company stakes €10 in more VAT from its clients than it had to pay as an input tax on purchases from another business this time around Parent Revenue will be the entity that gets what remains due.

VAT Rates in Ireland

Ireland utilizes a system of VAT with varying rates:

  • Ireland Standard VAT Rate (23%) - Most goods and services
  • 13.5% Reduced rate: for specific (limited) goods and services such as fuel, electricity, and building repair + maintenance
  • Lower Rate (9%): For tourism services, such as hotel accommodation and certain printed materials.
  • AT rates of 4.8% in Ireland are mainly used for the supply of livestock horses (including greyhounds) This lower rate forms part of a tiered VAT system in Ireland, where different sectors benefit from being charged at the reduced rather than a standard percentage.
    VAT is also levied on goods imported into Ireland from non-EU states, and there are special rules for digital services, telecommunications, and broadcasting.

Special Irish VAT Schemes

Ireland-Specific VAT Schemes suited for varied business requirements -

  • Farmers Flat rate scheme: It helps the unregistered farmers to levy a 5.6% flat-rate addition on their supply of agricultural goods and services it gives a benefit when they are not required to calculate precisely what exemption proportion applies.
  • Second-hand margin scheme: this applies to dealers selling second-hand goods, works of art, antiques, or collectors' items.
  • Tour Operator´s Margin Scheme (TOMS): VAT arrangement for Trips providers on the market package holidays.

VAT Registration in Ireland

Businesses must be registered for VAT in Ireland if their turnover exceeds the specified VAT registration thresholds, which depend on company characteristics. For service-based companies, you have to reach €37,500 and for product-based ones, the threshold is at around€75,000. Ireland is famous for Ireland as a tax haven.

VAT Compliance in Ireland

Sales invoices help Irish businesses keep their records up-to-date, and submit VAT returns on time — either every 2 months or annually depending on the turnover of the business. Expect penalties, but also interest charges and likely a few audits by Revenue if you simply ignore the letter.


The VAT system in Ireland is a complex tax that has rules affecting businesses as well as customers. Knowing the nature and rates of this tax, as well as its special regimes allows a business to be more organized in managing its tax obligations correctly avoiding severe fines. This article will explain what VAT means in Ireland, its fundamental features, and more interesting facts such as rates on different types of transactions and special schemes accessible to entrepreneurs or consumers. Check Taxation in Ireland.

How do you register for VAT In Ireland?
Who should register for VAT In Ireland?
Cancelling your VAT registration
Reclaiming VAT In Ireland
Value-added tax
Sales tax
Indirect tax
Direct tax
Consumption tax
Taxation in the Republic of Ireland
Ireland as a Tax Haven
European Union Value Added Tax
More About VAT Calculator Tool
VAT Identification Number
What Is VAT?
VAT Rate In Ireland
The Flat Rate VAT Scheme
Revenue Commissioners
Value-added tax
Sales tax
Indirect tax
Direct tax
Consumption tax
Taxation in the Republic of Ireland
Value-added tax
Sales tax
Indirect tax
Direct tax
Consumption tax
Taxation in the Republic of Ireland
VAT identification number