Revenue Commissioners

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Revenue Commissioners, Ireland: Introduction

Revenue is commonly used in Ireland to refer to The Revenue Commissioners which is the Irish Government agency responsible for customs and taxation. Ireland, the Revenue Commissioners: Order 1923 gave effect to this, and today Revenue is responsible for the funding of public services through taxation whilst also supporting Government spending policies. Revenue is not just about tax collection, it encompasses customs management and compliance with the nuances of our vast field laws to administer numerous social programs.

The Revenue Commissioners

  • Taxes Related Collection and Compliance: The Revenue Division collects taxes, such as income tax, corporation tax, and VAT (value added) commodities on import. Revenue performs audits, investigations, and enforcement actions that are used to induce compliance from individuals or corporations with their tax obligations. They further help taxpayers comply with their tax obligations and provide online facilities to make the process easier.
  • Customs and Excise: Revenue deals with customs and duties including import/export controls, and excise duties on alcohol, tobacco & fuel. In particular, that would mean policing the movement of goods across Irish borders in terms of trading with the EU's single market and customs union.
  • Social Welfare Programs: Revenue collects Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) contributions which finance social welfare benefits such as unemployment benefits, pensions, and maternity allowance. The purpose of this function is to collect the mandatory contributions by both employer and employee.
  • Tax Policy Advice — The bureaucracy gives advice to the government through Revenue on more complex questions of tax policy and legislation. This advisory role is particularly important in determining fiscal policy for Ireland – ensuring that it taxes fairly and effectively while reflecting the requirements of a strong economy. Ireland Is also a tax haven Ireland as a tax haven.
  • Public Service and Support — Revenue also pays for numerous support services to taxpayers, including methods of engagement with the taxpayer (such as helplines and the Revenue Online Service -ROS), service activities that economics have shown directly influence tax compliance behavior by increasing knowledge or perceived risk. Also check Taxation In The Republic of Ireland

Organizational Structure

Board: The Revenue Commissioners are controlled by a board of three Commissioners. They are appointed by the government and they determine Revenue's strategic direction as well as overseeing its overall operation. The Commissioners report to the Minister for Finance and are required by legislation not to act in a manner that is incompatible with the fiscal policies of the Government. It is divided into several Divisions which are the Large Cases Division (having to deal with significant corporate taxpayers), Personal Division, and Customs Division. This structure permits Revenue to better serve the unique needs of various taxpayer factories.

Digital Transformation & Modernization

Revenue has pursued a digital transformation in the past couple of years aimed at streamlining operations and improving customer service. Tax administration in Ireland was transformed with the introduction of ROS — Revenue Online Service. With ROS, taxpayers can send returns and payments directly to Revenue through the Internet instead of by post thus reducing unnecessary paperwork for both sides.

The Role of Revenue in the Irish Economy

The Revenue Commissioners are a key driver for Ireland's future financial strength and economic prosperity. Revenue collects tax efficiently so that we can afford public services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Revenue also has a key role in managing trade and securing the economy through customs and excise duties.


Ireland, The Revenue Commissioners: — A cornerstone of Ireland's fiscal system. Revenue helps fund the services we all need, through efficient tax collection and social program administration; It underpins economic activity in Ireland by managing customs functions. They keep their eyes on the prize of modernization and compliance so they remain willing to work in a fast-paced world. Check about VAT number here VAT Identification Number.

How do you register for VAT In Ireland?
Who should register for VAT In Ireland?
Cancelling your VAT registration
Reclaiming VAT In Ireland
Value-added tax
Sales tax
Indirect tax
Direct tax
Consumption tax
Taxation in the Republic of Ireland
Ireland as a Tax Haven
European Union Value Added Tax
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VAT Identification Number
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The Flat Rate VAT Scheme
Revenue Commissioners
Value-added tax
Sales tax
Indirect tax
Direct tax
Consumption tax
Taxation in the Republic of Ireland
Value-added tax
Sales tax
Indirect tax
Direct tax
Consumption tax
Taxation in the Republic of Ireland
VAT identification number